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cult classic digital ads

One of the most fun, and mildly disturbing (read: pulling stills from the Turkish Exorcist), times I’ve had designing ads. These appeared on The Stranger’s website to promote the two archival cult-classic films that were screening at the Seattle Turkish Film Festival in 2023.

How does one choose just the right image to delight, entice you to click, and only slightly terrify, if that’s what you’re into, while also providing an accurate sense of both films, with an instant read, all while trying to fit them both into those impossible digital ad dimensions, aaand maintaining the visual system across them all?

Sort of like one does when they realize that was actually one entire sentence, and they probably should revise it, or try another way, or re-lay it out, or start over, or use different images, or re-lay it out again, and then realize you can’t use the first image because copyright, and have to re-lay it out again and choose new images again, and land on a color treatment too because that type and logo needs to be accessible, provide the right genre mood, and you know that logo placement needs to be consistent.

I love this stuff.